Monday, February 28, 2011

In this video I taught my class mates how to do the "heel-to-toe". For our warm up we did the Cotton Eye Joe remix. Then I did my intro and hook. I felt like my hook was good and everyone could relate to it. My cues were"Hop heel Hop toe". My safety statement was short, I can work on that because safety should be the number one thing in schools. Then i explained the heel-to-toe and then demonstrated it. I had the students do progressions before using the ropes. Then just had them hop over the rope to get the rhythm down. At first my music was too load so i need to work the kinks out on my technology. Well the students did there heel to toe jumps i walked around giving positive and helpful feedback. I pinpointed Jen and Dave because they both did the technique right but in two different ways. I ended the class by going over the cues again and giving a hook into next class. I felt like I used my time good and over all did a good job.

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